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DistrActors Expenditures 2023

The DistrActors (EIN 85-4369229) is a grant and private donation-funded 501(c)3 organization. In 2023, their total expenditures were $31,964.76. Each actor donates their space, there is not a rented office space for DistrActors, and it is our goal to spend as much of our funding as possible to serve hospitalized children. The 2023 funds were utilized as follows:

Our Mission

The DistrActors is a group of professional performers that seeks to bring joy during the downtime of healing for medically impacted individuals through personalized theatre, music, puppetry, and improvisation.

All of the silliness comes free of charge to the patients!

Our team members are acquainted with the impact of illness, which allows us to empathize with and address the mental strain of medical trauma. By tailoring our interactions and performances to each impacted individual, we insert them into a personalized winning narrative, giving them the mental/emotional tools to reframe their fight, enabling them to create an easily accessible positive memory and escorting them into a healthy emotional space.